Sunday, May 3, 2015

Recent advancement in technology throughout the world has sparked interest in defining online groups as communities.

Discussion Question 3

·      Studies have shown that more individuals are involved in online social media sites
·      Technology is unavoidable and has become a prominent aspect of today’s culture.
·      Community life in the real world can now be found online and may even be a phenomenon that saves a life.

Experiments and studies have been completed to show the increasing involvement in online communities.
            Dale Ganleyand Cliffe Lamp completed a study in 2009 investigating the relationships that online communities provide and how it helps us to improve and enhance our social networks. The website that they looked deeper into was a social media site called “Slashdot”.

Typically, it features science and technology stories that are edited, submitted, and reviewed by online users. When individuals on the site connect with others, comment on other users articles, and overall rate others pages, they obtain points through a system called ‘Karma’.

The results have show that the users of this social media site were able to make deeper connections with individuals with less usage of the site in general. The more people that are participating on the site, creates a larger amount of people that return and continue to interact with others. These people are creating networks with site users all over the world and making connections even if it is not a face-to-face conversation.

The technological shift has enabled individuals to be more involved online.
Many individuals have been spending more time involved on online chat rooms, social media sites, and various video game activities. All of these portals allow for communication with individuals we’ve known for a long time or just met. We can communicate with those who are miles away or those sitting right next to us. There is even the ability to work on projects and new innovations wherever we please, as long as we have our mobile devices.

Because of this new technology, we are able to be apart of many more community groups than just the ones we experience through things like work, school, hobbies, neighborhoods, religious affiliation, etc. There is an online community as well. However, there has been recent speculation on if it is possible for an online group of people can be considered a “community”.

Online communities have differing characteristics from real world communities.
            When it comes to a virtual community, there are no true guidelines defining the space. People can become active members of the web site on their own time and preference. So, online communities tend to be much larger in its number of members. Other examples can include social networking sites like Facebook. Facebook allows members to be part of a variety of groups that allow users to connect with others from all over the world. These groups can either have around one hundred members or it can have thousands all contributing to the same community. These communities also tend to be much more informal because they are occurring over cyberspace. The lack of face-to-face interaction enables a carefree environment.  

            There are several opportunities involved in participating in online groups and communities. Many people enjoy helping others and giving people all over the world advice to live by. This can go for relationship advice, health insight, travel information, and truly so much more. Networks and social capital can increase at the speed of light. The online world really gives individuals a chance to work and collaborate with others.

            One of the most important aspects that have arisen from the online world is the idea that individuals who don’t feel connected in the real world can be apart of a community. They can get involved in games and social media sites, and several other groups that allow for interactions to occur and provide a sense of belonging. This is a huge benefit that the real world communities may not provide for an individual on a normal basis. Online groups could ultimately be a defining factor that saves a persons life.

How do we define a community in the recent and technological United States?
Although there is no strictly definitive interpretation of the word “community”, it is commonly referred to as a relationship to others because of common interests, values, and goals.  Typically, people gravitate and affiliate with individuals that they share a connection with, those that are similar and identify with their beliefs. This involves being an active member of a society, neighborhood, or even extending far beyond and participating in global activities.

Online communities share these characteristics and should be considered and defined community all the same.  Just because it is through a mobile device, doesn’t mean it exercises qualities in a different manner. Individuals still have the ability to connect with others through social media, games, and other tools. They can even communicate with those that have the same interests in activities. The only difference is that communication will be through an electronic medium. It will not be a face to face, in person, interaction.


  1. You have a great explanatory headline, it provides good information about what your post is going to talk about. The subheads are structurally in good places and are nice statements that reflect what is going to be discussed in the paragraphs to follow. The bullet points were a good idea, but didn't provide much information, they are just generic statements about social media. I like how you provided a study in the first paragraph, it gives some good insight to the different online communities and how they operate. I thought it was great that you gave the definition of a community and then placed it in the digital and real world context, showing the similarities between the two. In the third bullet it is mentioned that social communities can save lives, it would have been beneficial if you gave an example of this to make your point better understood. I also think you should have mentioned the chapter, possibly talk about how digital law can affect online communities.

  2. Jessica did a good job explaining the similarities and differences of online communities and real life communities. Like how these communities allow people to interact with other people with similar interests, but the method of interaction will differ depending on wether the community is online or in real life. The headline is also very strong and explanatory, but the subheads could use some work. They do not tell a scanner quite as much information that they could. Also there were multiple grammar and spelling mistakes that should have been fixed in the article. The graphics were alright but not quite as strong as they could be. An explanatory photo also could have helped as well. Overall it was a good start but could use a little bit of tweaking.
